Here you find reviews and comments from people I work with. 

Piet Hein was an absolute pleasure to work with. I can say with all honesty that I have never felt so relaxed during a shooting before!
His love for his art shines through his photography; as someone relatively inexperienced with being the subject of the photo, he truly emboldens you and makes you feel powerful. 
Seeing yourself through his lens is a remarkable experience and a privilege in itself. 
Piet Hein's creativity, ideas, passion, and dedication are marks of what makes him a superb artist. 
I also very much appreciated being a part of the creative process and look forward to working with him again!   Daranee (T

It was a spontaneous shoot through a day of touring Amsterdam by boat with Piet. He captured some of my brightest moments while witnessing the city’s quirk and charm from the West to the North. Morgan (Korea)

Ik heb recent samen mogen werken met Piet Hein. Heel spannend, de 1e keer naakt op de foto. Je maakt je zorgen over ieder putje en bultje en of er iets bruikbaars op de foto komt. 
De dag zelf zijn we aan de slag gegaan. Het is zo bijzonder om mee te maken hoe Piet Hein je op je gemak weet te stellen en je je volkomen vrij voelt om van alles uit te proberen met je lijf en soms props. 
En dan het resultaat, ik heb me zelf nog nooit zo mooi en volledig vrij in mijn vrouw-zijn gevoeld en gezien op de foto’s!     Wilma Verbeek

Piet Hein, werkt snel en relaxt. Komt met originele ideeën en pusht je nergens. Daar waar ik echt wel onzeker ben over mijn vollere lijf schoot hij een paar solo foto's van me waarvan ik moest huilen. Dat ik met zoveel kracht en vertrouwen was vastgelegd ontroerde me. Zijn plezierige, kalme en warme aanwezigheid maakte dat iedereen snel ontspannen was en ok   Angela Gibbs
This photoshoot was for me to allow myself to be myself. To enjoy myself, to give love to my body. To realize my dream to look a certain way, as if I am trying it on, and it feels so good!... Working with Piet is really amazing, he makes you feel very relaxed and joyful in front of the camera. He is very creative and sees the uniqueness and power of every woman. Definitely, a photo shoot with Piet Hein is a transformation session, to fall in love with yourself every time.   Diana (Russia)
Kristina:  "This photoshoot meant for me the closing of a chapter, an important chapter in my life. 
It was for me a chapter of learning and letting go. I bought this apartment with my ex-partner and this apartment was... is very beautiful and it was not easy for me to let it go. I did with Piet Hein two photoshoots there, one right after it happened and one after a year just before the apartment got sold, as a goodbye. It was very meaningful to be able to witness myself, and how I developed over the year. In the first nude photo shoot, I experienced much more sadness and grief. The last one wearing latex was more like a celebration of being free - free of holding on to things that do not serve me anymore.
So thank you, very much Piet Hein for going through this transition, and thanks for photography with you.❤ Kristina
I enjoyed working with Piet Hein. He picked beautiful locations for our shoot and dealt very well with my busy schedule which sometimes had me off the radar for weeks at a time. I had fun on the day of the shoot. Piet Hein kept me entertained during the freezing cold conditions of our shoot, got into the water himself to get the best shots, and even drove all the way back with me when I realized I'd lost a personal item halfway back home.                           Esther Noyen
I love how it looks with these shadow-playin' elements in this photo.🖤
Many thanks to @xenageorgina and @pietheinphoto for this amazing opportunity.
Hope I can do something like this more often in the future. Lase Hamburg

Piet Hein is an amazing photographer and person. Vibrant, playful energy. I love getting creative with him. Everything is possible! We had a couple of great shoots already, and will do definitely more in the future! Lovely collaborations. Maysa, Belgium

Working with Piet Hein was amazing! He is very relaxed, open-minded,  playful, and super easy to talk to. He has an honest heart and enjoys the journey all the way. I felt very comfortable and safe just being myself. He also has boxes full of lovely clothes! I find his work and creativity inspiring. It was liberating for me. Thank you Piet Hein for your passion and wish to serve and empower!  Antea

The first time I met Piet Hein I directly felt safe and held. I'm so deeply grateful for his guidance and support, which helped me to break through the barriers of my mind (shame, guilt, comparison, etc.) This shoot has set me free, in all my nudity. I love the pictures so much, they give me the strength to walk my own path, as my authentic self, without hiding anything anymore. 
Thank you Piet Hein for your patience, openness, and enthusiasm. I truly love working with you and know we will create more magic art together.
With love, 
Holy moly, these are beyond Gorgeous, pure photos. Thank you soooo much Piet Hein.
"It was really nice to work together to create the works.  He is full of ideas, easy to talk to, and also respected my opinion, which made me comfortable.  I enjoyed the process of trying new things and creating better works together".
I appreciate Piet Hein's punctuality and enthusiasm. He usually sends a few snapshots on the same day. I feel that this really keeps the energy and enthusiasm alive. I so enjoy that Piet Hein brings boxes of clothing in the theme you like! I never need to worry about what to wear! I feel that he always responds understanding and respectfully when I voice my preferences. Piet Hein goes for depth and realness in pictures especially if you don't think you fit the mold of standard beauty you should try working with Piet Hein! He focuses on capturing your uniqueness and wants to show you Your beauty.           Ariana                                                                                                                                  
 Click here for more  pics of Ariana                                                                                                                                      
"Piet Hein is a photographer who prioritizes safety beyond anything, which allows you to be free and comfortable in front of his camera. With his unlimited imagination, he comes up with the most creative ideas for photos and he leaves lots of room to come to the final image in a collaborative way. Really enjoyed the experience of shooting with Piet Hein!"   Carina de Vroome (actress)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Click here for more pics of Carina                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

“There is a wild woman under our skin who wants nothing more than to dance until her feet are sore, sing her beautiful grief into the rafters, and offer the bottomless cup of her creativity as a way of life. And if you are able to sing from the very wound that you’ve worked so hard to hide, not only will it give meaning to your own story, but it becomes a corroborative voice for others with a similar wounding.    Xena                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  More pics of Xena                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
"Dit is één van de prachtige foto's van afgelopen vrijdag. Ik wilde - na alle shoots alleen met mijn hoofd - ook een keer vastleggen wat ik nou precies doe. Hoe het eruit ziet, voelt, de sfeer, van de rituelen die ik verzorg. Nou en wat een shakti explosie dat het was!!! De heerlijke spanning van sensualiteit, jezelf laten zien, levensenergie, vrouwen onderling...Deze foto geeft echt weer hoe veilig en ook sensueel de bedding voelt van vrouwen herkenning, zachtheid, ontspanning....elkaar omarmen.  Bedankt Piet Hein voor jouw ering naar het vrouwelijke, echt mooi om die liefdevolle steun& 'serving' te voelen!! Echt geweldig!!       Elfriede    
                                 Pauline: Ontzettend bedankt Piet Hein. Ze zijn prachtig geworden!                                                                                  Jorinde:  super, dankjewel Piet Hein💖❣️                                                                                                                                Click here for more pics of this shoot

Namaya    Wow!! Super mooi! Wat weet je de sfeer en energie prachtig vast te leggen'!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Click here for more pics of this shoot

                       Claudia:  Wauw super mooi Piet Hein! Echt prachtig!  En dank voor de bijzondere avond 💚                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Click here for more pics of this shoot 

"I love working with Piet Hein, because I really see and feel his pure intention and heart, how he wants to serve & empower the feminine through photography. I can sense that he gets so happy when the feminine blossoms in front of the camera. And not just the feminine I believe, I see he just loves all people, he loves nature and he loves to capture a real story, a real depth, and show people what they are capable of. He is super open-minded, positive, supportive, and respectful in his work. When you start working with him, I'm sure you'll become friends as well thank you Piet Hein for all your enthusiasm and support!                                 Xena                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Click here for more shoots from Xena
Working with Piet Hein is a GREAT experience. He is nice, funny, very helpful, and open to suggestions. Besides being a great photographer, he is also a great person He makes sure you feel comfortable and enjoy the experience.  Wendy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Click here for more shoots with Wendy
I love working with Piet Hein, cause he has a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and creativity. With an open heart, mind, and respect I feel he has a deep passion for this work. I can sense that this drive comes from a pure and sincere place. He really wants to honor the model and is open to co-creation and ideas from the side of the model. Also, I love that 'the flow' is very important, and he doesn't get stuck on a certain idea beforehand...I can totally recommend working with this wonderful man :)!                                          Elfriede                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Click here for more shoots with Elfriede                         
What beautiful pictures. Thank you so much Piet Hein for being able to capture my sensual being, my strength, my connection with nature, and my feminine being in all of the pictures. Every time when I look at the pictures I'm like, wow is that me? So again, thank you so much for creating this together.
I've known Piet Hein for years, so I knew working with him would be great. His warm personality immediately puts you at ease, and his creativity and professionalism brings out the best in everyone. He puts you front and center (literally), checking in throughout to ensure you're comfortable and the result is to your liking. He's always open and curious about your ideas, as well as inspires you with someone his own. On top of having a good time, you can trust him to capture the best version of you.         Theisa                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Click here for shoots with Theisa
What a lovely human being is PietHein! A gentle, respectful, and open personality. Fun to work with and his enthusiasm when he managed to capture the beauty within whoever/whatever is in front of his camera is heartening. Even though already a great photographer, he is eager to learn, creative, and open to suggestions, which makes the setting very low-key, comfortable, and pleasant. Very happy with these beautiful pictures of my feminine vulnerability, playfulness, and power. Hope to work together soon again!                          JIll                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Click here for more shoots with Jill                                                                   

Wow wat maakt Piet Hein van der Hoek fantastische foto's. Prachtig hoe hij vrouwen in hun kracht zet, het is dat ik 71 ben, maar zo'n shoot lijkt mij fantastisch!  Reactie van Mary Ritsema  op facebook  op bovenstaande foto van Nina

I worked with Piet Hein for pictures for my massage business afte
r seeing some beautiful pictures he made from some of my friends. For me, it was the first time meeting Piet but it was such a pleasure to work with him! He is a very friendly easygoing person. He shares his professional opinion while at the same time also leaving room for me to explain how I wanted it which was very much appreciated. There was also absolutely no (time)pressure during the shooting, he also checked twice before rounding up if I had all the pictures I wanted and if I liked the preview pictures on the camera. Even though this type of business shooting is not the type of pictures I know from Piet Hein the end result is very satisfying. I'm very happy to have such professional photos for my website and business communication and would definitely recommend booking a shoot with Piet Hein if you want some high-quality pictures.
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